
Benefits of Investing in Plots

November 30, 2022

1. Appreciation

It has been time and again proven that a piece of land can appreciate faster and higher compared to your investment in an Apartment.

 2. Freedom to Customise

From all the good reasons to buy a plot, is, it gives you the flexibility to design the home the way you want it. Be it G+1 or G+2, be it a modern or Mediterranean or classic design, keep the kitchen the size you want, keep the bedroom at the G level or Level 1 or Level 2, plan the door facing as per your Vaastu needs, add more amenities like a pool, gym, servant room, pooja room, yoga, dog house, and simply anything you want.

 3. Move-in at your convenience

A plotted development will not force you to move in at any particular date or will have any deadline for you to build your dream home, the handover happens ideally after the infrastructure work is done and then it’s totally up to you when you want to build your villa.

4. Best Future Investment

Think the long term when it comes to a plot, at least hold it for 5 years, you will see a great compounded appreciation, and its nothing like it if you hold it for the next 7 to 10 years.

5. Build a villa at the cost lower than Apartment

Primarily when you build your home on a plot, you build your villa, and being an owner of a villa, puts you in a different league altogether. There is no comparison of owning a villa against an apartment. Secondly, the cost of your home will effectively work out to be cheaper than an apartment. Additionally, you’ll pay 4 times the maintenance in an apartment building. This shows that an apartment maintenance cost is 4 times that of a villa.

6. Easy to Maintain

Maintaining a villa is a lot easier and convenient compared to an apartment. Let’s take a case where there is a painting requirement. You can paint the internal and external walls and there is no dependency on maintenance from other apartments. But in case of flats, if the flat above you were to have a water linkage, you are sure to be affected and your ceiling may need to be fixed with repair and paint. There are no common areas used by all units as in apartments, lobby, lift corridors, etc.

7. Parking within your plot

When you own a villa you can Park your favorite, most likely an expensive car, right inside your garage, whereas in an apartment, you are parking the car in the basement or ground floor, far away from your flat.